1. The Customer may submit a complaint regarding the products and services of the Bank at the following points:
    a. at the Customer’s Branch/Transaction Unit verbally or in writing, by post or e-mail, fax or delivery by hand.
    b. Through the Bank’s Contact Center by recorded telephone conversation at +30 210 3288000.
    If the Customer is not satisfied with the reply by the Branch/Transaction Unit, the Customer may address the Customer Complaints Service , in one of the following ways:
    a. by post to the address: Piraeus Bank, Group Operation Quality Assurance, Customer Complaints Service, Address: 26 Fidipidou Str., 11527 Athens;
    b. on the Bank’s website ( by registering the complaint into the relevant electronic contact form; c. via fax at 210 9294317.
  2. The Bank participates in the institution of the Hellenic Ombudsman for Banking-Investment Services. If it was not possible to resolve the dispute between the Customer and the Bank, the Customer may address the above body for the extrajudicial settlement of the dispute (1 Massalias Str., 10680 Athens,, Tel.: 10 4 40, 210 3376700, fax: 210-3238821, e-mail:, as an Alternative Dispute Resolution entity (“ADR entitiy”), which is registered in the Special Register kept on the website of the Hellenic Directorate General of Consumer Protection and Market Monitoring. If the dispute concerns contractual obligations under an electronic service agreement, the Customer may submit a request for the extrajudicial settlement of the dispute through the Online Dispute Resolution – ODR platform at
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